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Welcome to Module 8!
An easy way to change how you feel and others feel about you is to choose your words wisely.
Your language reflects your thoughts, even if you believe you don't truly mean what you say.
"I hate coffee without sugar", may seem like a statement that can't be taken so literally. When the listener would ask: "Do you really feel hate toward coffee without sugar?", they could receive the answer: "no, of course, I don't truly hate it, but I really don't like it."
I encourage you to be aware that what you speak is INSIDE YOU... and you keep the emotion activated, even if that's not your conscious intention.
Read the document and learn the difference between irrational and rational language.
The recording "stepping into commitment" can help you with deciding to change the way you talk. This exercise can help you with every commitment in life. Use it anytime in the future when you know commitment is needed for you to achieve higher goals.
Warm regards
Stepping into Commitment - Martina Famos
Email me if you have questions.
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