Online Counseling for Individuals

A psychologist has tools that help you heal, and you have the power
to engage and commit; it's a teamwork.
The most significant advantage of online counseling is the possibility
of quietness and relaxation before and after therapy.
How to Make Online Counseling Even More Efficient
Because commitment and keeping momentum are crucial for success, I have designed a counseling program of ten sessions lasting 3-4 months that help my clients come full circle with their transformational process. People sometimes stop coming in when they feel relieved and in a better place. Very often, though, the last part of making the healing complete and sustainable wasn't reached, resulting in them returning a few months later with a fallback in their progress. To avoid my clients losing that time and money, I created a counseling package.
The Advantage of a Counseling Package
The consistency of the sessions through a package creates more resources for the psychologist and permits more efficiency and intensive guidance. You will progress in 10 sessions, typically requiring at least 20 sessions.
Transformation within a few months
I name the package Active Rational Transformation Program. Working together invites you to be active, challenge your mind (ratio), and transform your thinking patterns. The thought produces the emotion, and according to the emotion, we act. That makes the mind the driver of your life, and it's therefore immensely crucial to know and understand how it functions.
The program is designed with the principles of Adlerian Psychology, REBT Therapy Methods by A. Ellis, Purpose of Emotions by G. McKay and D. Dinkmeyer, Encouragement by Theo Schoenaker, and the GPI testing by U. Bärtschi.
"I started this journey wanting to learn how to be content with other people’s 'bad decisions' but the most important thing I’ve learned on this journey is how equal I am to others; those who I felt looked down on me and also those who I looked down on.
This has had a huge impact on how I see myself and my behavior. Previously, I only saw one way to do something and that was the right way, and often I considered that to be my way. Now, I have a total appreciation that others have free choice and can live, work, and love in whatever way they want. Just as I can.
I do not need to control because it just leads to frustration and disappointment."
In the lower part of this section, you will find more testimonials about the Active Relational Transformation Program.
Investing in The Active Rational Transformation Program
For an investment of 1'980 CHF you get:
10 pre-booked sessions of 60 minutes each.
7 learnings in MP3 format help you learn the principles of confidence, self-trust, integrity, and happiness.
Several readings for your general understanding of what life means to you, keep the focus on what truly matters, and become clear about your life choices.
10 exercises in reading, questionnaires for reflection, and instructional videos. These help you make sense of your thinking patterns and decide what doesn't serve you.
Each session discusses your case and finds solutions that work for your particular goals.
600 minutes for re-listening. You get to decide if we tape the session. The recording can be of great value after the session or anytime later to study the conversation once again.
Unlimited emails and 3 phone calls for urgent matters.
Appointments reserved in advance—no loss of valuable counseling time for finding free slots.
Confidentiality - As a counselor, I have a legal and ethical duty to safeguard your information.
Testimonials about the Transformational Program
Whilst I always realized (however distantly) that how I feel is up to me, to have someone to guide me through the process of knowing this and helping me to change thoughts, patterns and behaviors has been of tremendous value over these past few months. I have learnt to recognize those behaviors that are harmful to my mental well-being and am, usually, now able to stop them developing into something that damages me. Today I am more positive and confident.
Client from UK
I have been seeing Martina for a few years now. I met her for sporadic individual sessions which were insightful and helped me tremendously. I always ended up scratching the surface with these sessions and so, decided to take her more structured Action Rational Transformation Premium Programme. This programme was simply - ground shifting for me. With recorded sessions that were structured and focused on specific areas for self-growth, I have had several ‘epiphany moments’. These coupled with constant feedback from Martina has shifted my interactions and relationships. Generally, people spend a lot of money on physical wellness but investing in mental wellbeing is something I would highly recommend with the Active Rational Transformative Programme and besides, Martina is cool and fun to be around.
Client from Kenya
I started this journey wanting to learn how to be content with other people’s 'bad decisions' but the most important thing I’ve learned on this journey is how equal I am to others; those who I felt looked down on me and also those who I looked down on.
This has had a huge impact on how I see myself and my behavior. Previously, I only saw one way to do something and that was the right way, and often I considered that to be my way. Now, I have total appreciation that others have free choice and can live, work and love in whatever way they want. Just as I can.
I do not need to control because it just leads to frustration and disappointment.
Client from UK
Martina’s guidance and encouragement have made such a positive impact in my life. Before I started, I didn’t know exactly which results to expect, today I see what a great investment it was which really made me grow as a person. I gained much better understanding of myself and other people, therefore I make better choices that lead to where I want to be. I think what makes the program so powerful is that it’s all so logical and positive. Martina was always committed to find solutions how to apply the methods in my specific situations, both in work and personal life. I recommend the program to anyone who wants to increase balance in life, make the most out of his or her potential, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Client from Sweden
I started therapy with Martina on a more conventional set up back in 2012.
I know now, that at that time, I was not truly committed to look holistically into my patterns in order to move into a deeper level of awareness. Like most of us just wanted a solution to what I perceived as an isolated problem. It took 5 more years and a near burn out to come back to her with full trust and sense of commitment. It was then when her 10 session program made complete sense to me, and I think to anyone that is truly committed to change.
A structured journey is completely in keeping when you seek to achieve deeper goals and are looking for visible and long lasting results. Results that redound on true level of awareness, self-love and detachment from life situations that many times keeps us hostage for no reason.
I know I will always go back to Martina for a check-in, she provides that enormous sense of trust but I know that now I have the tools necessary to continue a journey that in my case has been life changing. I cannot recommend more this program and encourage anyone that is serious about self-commitment and change to embark with Martina - you will not regret it!
Client from Spain
Transformation is a word often used, but rarely does it have such depth of meaning as it does for my experience of the active rational transformation program.
I found Martina’s coaching to be straightforward, pragmatic and clear – she made our sessions comfortable, even when in delicate areas. But far more than that, she always, always brought great insight and clarity - to every topic, every challenge.
Through the program, I found my relationships with long-standing friends and family became deeper and richer, my self-awareness clearer, allowing me to see, and so handle, unwanted tendencies, and to realise my latent abilities.
That is the transformation - I am more engaged with, and engaging for, those around me – whether close friend, loved one or stranger on the street. And I am more comfortable in myself, and confident with my choices in life.
Client from England
Excellent, structured program, with a optimal mix of online assets, homework and coaching with Martina. Martina has a great, positive energy, is super caring, non-judgemental and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. I learned a lot from her program, about myself and ultimately a more rational way to approach life! A wise investment indeed, enabling a more fulfilling path towards true happiness.
Client from the U.S.
„Martina holds a great balance between listening, supporting me to come up with difficult answers (describing my feelings in certain situations for example) and analyzing. I like her structured approach, every session has a focus but is flexible enough too. I love the different exercises between the sessions, it‘s literally like a journey to yourself. She asks you early on to commit and sharpen your goals. You travel, reflect and learn.
Here are more details to what we did together so far:
The first 5 sessions are where I focused on understanding the problem and the next 5 sessions were about the solution. I started to become good at recognizing certain kinds of inner monologues and following behaviors and therefore change it in a positive way only after a few sessions. Learning about my own weaknesses and accepting them, but more important was to learn about my own strengths and put them in good service to myself and others.
After each of the 10 sessions, I had at least 1-3 key learning that would really shift my thinking.
So to summarize:
I experience life in a fuller, more intense way today. My friends and family feel good about my changes. My partner goes as far that he says I developed a lot in how I deal with myself and others.
Martina is an excellent guide on the journey to myself. She is helpful, experienced and shares your joy when you learn and help you laugh and not take yourself too seriously when needed."
Client from Switzerland
"The Active Rational Transformation program has helped me recognize aspects of my personality that triggered overwhelming negative feelings about myself. In these sessions, Martina made me feel immediately at ease and welcomed all my line of thoughts without judgment. She easily adapted to my critical thinking and step-by-step has guided me through this journey to identify the triggers of my negativity and insecurity, always reminding me and encouraging me to also recognize and embrace the good things about myself. These sessions had already a very positive impact on my life and today I feel happier and at peace with myself."
Client from Portugal
"Imagine you have a puzzle box: most of the pieces are inside, some upwards, some upside down, some on the floor, some perhaps missing. The cover is missing as well, so you cannot figure out the subject. Oh, there are also small objects not related to the puzzle inside the box. This is how I was feeling when entering Martina's studio for the first time. You know you have something in your hands, but the frustration of not seeing it makes you want to throwing it away.
Through the Active Rational Transformation Program Martina patiently helped me to solve the puzzle: first we got rid of the not-related objects, then checked if something fell out of the box, selected the pieces we needed, starting from the frame..little by little the picture started taking shape! Perhaps the cover might s be missing, or some of the pieces are lost, but the image is generally clear, and the clearer it gets, the easier is to try and complete it.
This was my first experience of any sort of counseling and therapy in general, and I've absolutely loved it. I was literally craving for the weekly session! I've always wondered if Martina has been trained to connect instantly with people, if it's a natural skill or we were really somehow similar (starting from the nice pieces of art she has in the studio), but so many times I felt she did know exactly what was in my mind, and the best way to guide me to a better understanding of it.
The program has definitely set the spark to a deeper transformation, both personal and professional and I literally cannot wait to proceed along this new path! Thanks again Martina, for everything!"
Client from Italy
"Over the last few months I have been working with Martina. I have worked with a number of counselors over my lifetime and none have had as much of an impact as Martina. Her ability to listen, articulate the challenges and ask the right questions so that I can work through what I need to do in all facets of my life has been transformational. I went into these sessions with a narrow view of what I wanted to work through but came out feeling like I had unpacked many years of behaviors that were not helping me move forward. I can't thank her enough."
Client from Australia
The decision to come to Martina was not a spontaneous one but turned out to be one of the best "shots in the dark"I've made so far. Each meeting in her programme was opening different doors in my mind, allowing me glimpses of my inner self I have never known very well before. Some doors opened fully, some with a bang, some are still obscuring my view - but at least I'm aware they're there. And that's important lesson out of the meetings we've had - the realization of how many of my thought patterns and behaviors are completely automated. And that was the goal according to Martina - the AWARENESS, which is the excellent starting point to change and development. She never judged, never gave me ready recipe what to do next - instead advised, guided and explained. From her own, wise, deeply thought through points of view.
I know as well, that it was a start on a very interesting path of understanding, which may lead to better relationships with the world. I would recommend it to anyone!
Client from Canada
Have to admit this is difficult only because you and your programs have had a huge, positive impact on me. I feel your program is the first time I reflected deeply on my life in a positive way that opened my mind to opportunities after believing for a long time I was stuck with my 'lot in life'. I feel I have taken back control of my life and that I can make choices that will make a positive difference for me, the people I love, and the world around me. The program was transformational for me and I continue to use the material from the sessions as mental tools to help my choices and reflect on my actions. Whereas I used to dwell on the past I now look forward to the future and know I am the one who can make a difference in how I live my life.
Client from the U.S.
Martina provided great insight into the inner workings of my mind and helped shift my perspective on life, leading me towards a better and brighter future. I have a newfound confidence and appreciation for myself which is showing up in my relationship with myself and with others. Throughout the sessions, Martina helped me to understand unhelpful patterns in my thoughts and provided me with tools to help me when I'm feeling stuck. Martina acted as a guide, steering me towards a deeper understanding of myself and challenging long held perceptions on how life works. More than anything, Martina helped me to accept that my thoughts and feelings have value, and that I don't need to compare myself to others and punish myself.
Client from the U.K.
Whilst I always realized (however distantly) that how I feel is up to me, to have someone to guide me through the process of knowing this and helping me to change thoughts, patterns and behaviors has been of tremendous value over these past few months. I have learnt to recognize those behaviors that are harmful to my mental well-being and am, usually, now able to stop them developing into something that damages me. Today I am more positive and confident.
Client from the U.K.
I love how Martina felt always present and truly listening to my reflections. I felt that she didn't try to put me in a box just to fit a psychological theory, but she was fully committed to understanding my thoughts, to challenging me and to giving me thoughtful feedback.
Client from Poland